This is my photo about food for thought.
We have been learning about food for thought with koka sharron.
I have learnt that you should have at least less than 10 grams sugar.
Next time my team could of helped me do the sugar and pack it away.
This is what me and my buddy have drawn because we created what mr house could eat.
I like how my buddy coloured in the tail and the teeth.
Next time we should go over it again to cover the whiteness on the background and the shark body.
Hikau poem I learned that short hikau poems are from japanese.
Ocean: Next time i should include abverbs.
5-powerful ocean
7-travel across salty sea
5-fishing for sealife.
Definition poem I learned that definition poem start with a quetion and it ends with a thats a.
What an ocean? Next time i should use adjective before nouns.
A place where people fish, dive and swim
Where sea animals live
Where tsunami happen
A place that haves vast and little waves
Where you van get salty water in your mouth.
By Rhiley