Dangers Landslide
How does the Landslides happen?
Did you know that when Earthquakes occur slopes that's when it
creates a Landslide also almost every Landslide has a multiple
causes of Landslides.
.What are the maori connection to the Landslide?
- Papatuanuku is the godfather
- Whenua- is the land
- Horo- means the Landslide
- Pakaru- means damage
- Pahekeheke- is slip and unstable
- Kowhatu- means the rock
- Hoepapa- means destroy
How do you get through a Landslide?
Make sure you check for signs, check for grounds movements,
check for warnings and
check the radio or phones.
check for warnings and
check the radio or phones.
What are the impact on NZ?
Tarndal, covered with bush, gisborne harmful and bigship.
What are the parts of a Landslide?
- The crown
- The main scarp
- Its top
- Its head
- The minor scarp
- Its main body
- The foot
- The tip
- Its toe
- Surf of rupture
- Toe of the surf rupture
- Surf of separation
- Display material
- Zone of displayed
- Zone of accumulation
- Depleted mass
- Accumulation
- Depleted
- Flank
- Original ground surf
My sources of information...
Maori Gods*-kupu te Ra
By Rhiley
i really enjoyed reading your report and great Māori connection! i liked the way you listed your parts! next time maybe add less bullet points!